Monday, June 20, 2011

IRS Extended Deadline for FBAR reporting for the year 2009 and Earlier FBARs

The IRS has extended the deadline for certain persons to file Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts(FBAR), for 2009 and earlier years (IRS Notice 2011-54). The new filing deadline is Nov. 1, 2011. The extension applies to persons with signature authority over a foreign financial account, but no financial interest in the account.

FBAR: United States persons with a financial interest in, or signature authority over, any financial accounts (including bank, securities or other types of financial accounts) in a foreign country must file an FBAR if the aggregate value of these accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year.

This extension applies only to FBARs for 2009 or earlier years; the FBAR deadline for reporting financial accounts for 2010 remains same as June 30, 2011.
Reporting FBAR online
• Signup on our website WWW.FBARONLINE.COM
• Use our step by step wizard to complete FBAR.
• For further assistance call our support line 410-878-2324 or chat with us.

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